
"For many years I have looked to Pat Grimes as one of the most outstanding child psychologists in our area. I both trust and respect her professional skills. Most importantly, the feedback from patients' families is superb."
Dr. Arnold Korval, Greenwich Pediatric Associates

"Thank you for providing your skilled guidance to our faculty and students during our time of need following the September 11 terrorist attacks. We are weathering the aftermath reasonably well and I have been very pleased to see our children's writing, conversations and free drawings return to normal themes for the most part. If there is any way that we can be as supportive of you as you have been of us, please do not hesitate to let me know."
David Trigaux, Headmaster, Pear Tree Point School

"Thank you so much for all your words of wisdom. Everyone loved what you had to say. Your generosity is deeply appreciated."
Pear Tree Point School Parent Faculty Organization

"I'm writing to tell you how grateful I am to you for your knowledge, experience and stories, which I often draw upon."
Member, parent's support group

"Pat is an outstanding psychologist. She uses her intelligence, expertise and experience very effectively to provide children, their families and our staff with short and long-term strategies to overcome problems. She is warm and practical and has great success with children and adolescents."
Director, Fairfield County independent school

"As a teacher who has worked often with Pat, I am in awe of her deep understanding and clear insights into children. She can observe a child and then explain characteristics I may have noticed but whose significance I did not understand. Her recommendations for dealing with children in the classroom are always highly effective. I have never been disappointed with her advice."
Head teacher, second and third grades, local private school


"As always, I am so grateful for your awareness and guidance."

"You have been so helpful and caring. I wanted you to know how much we all appreciate it."

"I don't know how to let you know completely how helpful and important to me it was to be able to speak to you. I can't thank you enough for your considered, kind, wise and clear guidance to (our daughter). With many, many thanks again."

"(Our daughter) does seem to be better now, since she started exploring herself by coming to you. She now has some positive ways of expressing herself, too! Thank you. I am glad she found someone to trust by talking to you."

"Thanks for your patience and assistance during the roughest of times."

"Thanks for all your help with the kids… and with me! I'm not sure I'd be where I am now if I hadn't been talking with you!"

"Your advice and help have been so valuable to me. I thank you so much for all your help!"

"You have been so helpful and kind."

Dr. Patricia Grimes with child