The first step toward resolving the psychological, emotional or educational issues your child may be experiencing is to contact me by phone in New Canaan at (203) 966-5257. I will return your call promptly and spend time with you on the phone to discuss your situation and determine compatibility and next steps.

From there, I typically employ a five-step process of evaluation, during which I take great care to get to know both your child and their issues – which I believe is the essential starting point for addressing those issues.

My process consists of:

  • An initial visit with both parents
  • Three visits with the child
  • A feedback session with both parents

In my experience, this normally provides both you and me with a comprehensive understanding of your child's status, as well as a basis for determining what, if any, intervention might be needed. It is the intervention – whether it consists of psychotherapy, parental guidance, educational advice, life coaching (for example, to cope with bullying or peer pressure) or a combination – that leads to a successful outcome.

Parents sometimes tell me they've previously sought help for their child. I ask them, "What did you learn?" Often, they say they didn't learn anything. I understand the gravity and potential developmental impact of these behavioral issues and I don't believe in veiling them in niceties and generalities. I will always tell you exactly how I see the situation, very clearly and directly. And I will always provide specific, concrete advice on a direction forward and why I feel it will resolve the problem.

Dr. Patricia Grimes

Practice guidelines

  • Each visit is 45 minutes in length.
  • Additional services, such as school visits, report preparation and phone conferences are billed according to time spent.
  • It is expected that all balances will be paid in full each month.
  • The practice does not participate directly in any insurance plans. However, many clients receive reimbursement for my services through the "out-of-network" provisions of their policies.
  • A sliding fee scale is available to those clients for whom it may be relevant.
  • There is a 24-hour cancellation policy. All visits not cancelled at least 24 hours in advance will be billed in full.
  • There will be a small fee increase on the first day of June each year.